Managing recovery from concussionJohn Brooks, Simon Kemp, Aisha Newth, Richard Sylvester
16 November 2016
SCAT2 and SCAT3 scores at baseline and after sports-related mild brain injury/concussion: qualitative synthesis with weighted meansRoger E Thomas, Jorge Alves, Marcus M Vaska, Rosana Magalhães
19 October 2016
Can concussion constrain the Caped Crusader?E Paul Zehr, Bruce Wright
4 October 2016
Video analysis of concussion injury mechanism in under-18 rugbySharief Hendricks, Sam O'Connor, Michael Lambert, James C Brown, Nicholas Burger, Sarah Mc Fie, Clint Readhead, Wayne Viljoen
29 September 2016
The online Concussion Awareness Training ToolShelina Babul, Ian Pike, Kate Turcotte
1 September 2016
Challenges in the implementation of concussion guidelines in community sportCaroline F Finch, Joanne Kemp, Peta White, Joshua Newton
1 September 2016
Evaluation of World Rugby's concussion management process: results from Rugby World Cup 2015Colin W Fuller, Gordon W Fuller, Simon P T Kemp, Martin Raftery
1 September 2016
Parent and player concussion knowledge and facilitators of appropriate management in youth ice hockeyAmanda M Black, Shelina Babul, Alberto Nettel-Aguire, Carolyn Emery
1 September 2016
The district of Columbia Concussion Care & Training Project: a model for youth concussion educationAndrew E Lincoln, Justin B Cooper, Ethan A Urbansky, Gerald A Gioia, Shireen Atabaki, Catherine McGill, Maegan Sady, Michael Yochelson, Elizabeth Delasobera, Jessica Clark
1 September 2016
Identifying concussion: when guidelines collide with real-world implementation—is a formal medical diagnosis necessary in every case once a proper protocol is implemented?Pierre Frémont
23 August 2016